
The Future of Colon Cancer Diagnosis and Treatments

The colon is considered as one of the most important parts of our digestive system. When the malignant tissue in the Colon grows then the Colon Cancer is occurred. The digestive system is harmed by it very seriously. It is the most harmful cancer of all. This disease is mainly caused by incorrect eating habits. High fiber diets like vegetables and fruits are responsible for reducing the risk of this disease. If anyone in the family has had this disease then there is a huge chance of getting affected by this disease. The symptoms are widely found in older people. Most of patients are of above 50 age who need colon cancer treatments. Most of the people are not aware of the reason for these symptom. The most common disease symptoms are abdominal pain; constipation; blood spots in stool; diarrhea; any other bowel related activity etc. These are not normal digestion related problems. In case of any abnormalities in your body you should consult the doctor immediately to be confirmed if you h

Genetic Screening for Cancer Helps Save Lives | Proton Therapy Doctor in Delhi

According to the American Cancer Society, about 1.8 million people suffer from cancer each year. Among them, about one hundred thousand people will die from this disease. Fortunately, there are now ways to reduce the risk of cancer. Now, advances in medicine make it possible to predict the possibility of many cancers, and enable patients and doctors to take active preventive measures to reduce the risk of cancer in many cases. Genetic testing involves medical testing to find out whether there are mutations in an individual's genes. Genetic screening is a relatively new advancement in the medical field and has been proven effective in helping reduce cancer risk and saving lives. A powerful application of genetic testing is to look for genetic changes associated with cancer. P roton Beam Therapy Centre in India.   These genetic changes are called mutations and help determine the likelihood and risk of a patient developing a particular cancer Genetic testing for cancer is a test used

Proton Therapy Doctor in Delhi | Procedures and Symptoms

  Breast cancer: When diagnosed with breast cancer, this can be an overwhelming experience. The choice of treatment depends on the stage of the cancer. For the early stages, we will perform mastectomy, mastectomy with or without reconstruction, as well as chemotherapy, hormone therapy and radiation therapy. People may be very worried about which surgical method is best for the type of cancer that has been diagnosed. The long-term survival rate of people diagnosed with Proton Therapy Doctor in Delhi  depends on the spread of the disease. Such characteristics will include the size of the tumor, whether hormone receptors are found on the tumor itself, and different types of tumor grades. Factors such as age may also play an important role in the treatment a patient should receive. For example, patients over seventy years of age may generally not receive more aggressive treatment. Breast cancer program: There are three main types of surgical procedures: Mastectomy is a surgical procedure t

Brain Cancer Treatment | Types & Recovery | Best Cancer Doctor in Delhi

Perform brain tumor surgery to remove the tumor from the brain. In other words, this is an operation to reduce the internal pressure of the brain. If you are diagnosed with a brain tumor, the main treatment available is  Brain Cancer Treatment.  Remove the tumor completely or as much as possible. Usually, surgery is the first step taken in the initial stage of treatment and other malignant tumors. This is a treatment that is widely used by everyone, and the tumor can be easily removed without the risk of neurological damage. Types of brain tumor surgery Mentioned below are the common types of brain tumor surgery performed so far. 1. Biopsy: An operation performed to remove a sample of tumor tissue. 2. Craniotomy: surgery to remove part of the skull. By doing so, it allows neurosurgeons to find and remove tumors as much as possible. The excised part will be replaced after the operation. 3. Craniectomy: similar to craniotomy. The only difference in this operation is that part of the skul

Diagnosed With Cancer? Treatment Options | Best Cancer Doctor in Delhi

 When a person is diagnosed with cancer, this is an overwhelming realization. Shock and then depression are normal, but they are ready to control it and find out which treatment is best for them. There are many options in 2016, and any great cancer expert can solve them. However, for those who are already looking for and trying to decide which direction to go in, the following is a breakdown of the most common treatments. Does the cancer doctor recommend surgery? Depending on the many conditions of each cancer case diagnosed, surgery can be used to diagnose, treat or even prevent  cancer specialist doctor in Delhi.  Most people who find themselves battling cancer will undergo some type of surgery. It is usually the greatest possible chance of cure, even if the cancer has not spread to other parts of the body, it can even provide a better chance. There are many reasons for surgery. Some surgeries are minor procedures, while others are more serious. These are the most common surgeries re

Why the Darkest Fruits and Vegetables Are the Reducing Cancer Risk | Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi

 Raw food is fresh, unprocessed food that has not been heated above 115 degrees. It is a food consisting of green leafy vegetables, fruits, vegetables, sea vegetables, sprouted seeds and nuts. Fresh vegetables, fruits, vegetables and bean sprouts are the best sources of raw food. Raw food contains essential nutrients such as phytochemicals, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. All of these are necessary for the body to function at an optimal level. Raw food can strengthen the immune system, help reduce the risk of cancer, help lose weight, increase energy, improve memory, detoxification, digestion and elimination. Eating foods consisting mainly of unprocessed vegetables, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and some cooked/steamed foods is the best way to provide your body with the best nutrition in the short and long term. Phytochemistry Phytochemicals are plant compounds that are responsible for characteristics such as the color, smell, and taste of plants. Examples of phytochemi

Understand Radiation Therapy and Patient Care | Best Cancer Doctor in Delhi

Radiation therapy is used to destroy cancer by using high energy proton beams or x-rays. This can effectively slow the tumor growth without harming the nearby healthy tissues. Doctors usually recommend radiation therapy as a primary cancer treatment. Most of the times, it is used after surgery or chemotherapy. For some cancers however, this therapy alone is an effective treatment. For some other cancers, a combination of treatments is used. Here are some of the types of radiation therapy that you need to be aware of: External-beam radiation therapy This is the most common type of therapy. It delivers radiation from a machine outside the body. It can be used to treat large areas of the body is needed. A machine called a linear accelerator, or linac, creates the radiation beam for x-ray or photon. This method uses special computer software to adjust the beam's size and shape. This helps target the tumor while avoiding healthy tissue near the cancer cells. Internal radiation therapy I